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Tag: reactjs

Passing a component to the useState() hook

I’m trying to make a system where my App component’s state stores another component, which it will render. Any component should be able to update this state, forcing the App component to re-render. I know how to make the state accessible by any component, but I’m having some issues with rendering the component in App’s state. When I try running

Dragging not working for react-use-gesture

For some reason, I just cannot get the most basic example of react-use-gesture to work. What I am trying to do is just have a square follow my mouse location when you drag it. I copy-pasted the example from their documentation multiple times ( and still cannot get it to work. I just don’t understand it anymore. I created a

REACT createContext with async function return axios data

I’m creating React context but it returns a promise. In the file playlistcontext.js I’ve the following code: In the file youtube.js, that I use it like a service, I’have the code below. In this function a console.log( return me the correct data. then, I have a containers “tutorialcontainer.js” in which I’ve wrapped a component: In the last file tutorials.js I
