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Tag: reactjs

How to update state of array element during listener in React?

I’m working on a web app that reads sensor data to gauge objects via The function addNewGauge() adds an element to the component’s array of gauges, but I also want to install a listener for that element. The addNewGauge() function works, and the listener is picking up the event, which I know because the error below occurs for

Can’t set state in js react-native

Getting error while trying to setState in React Native. Code Error TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘_this.setState’) Answer useState Hook Functional components don’t have access to setState method but useState hook. useState hook works by defining the name of value, e.g. foo followed by it’s setter. It’s a convention to name the setter with the same name as

Toggle style by clicking on button using styled-component

After onClick, it starts function onToggleLiked in app.js which toggle like property and return(or not) like to item.js. After that, AppListItem check if like has appeared, and use styles from const theme if the result is true, else – from defaultProps. How to do that? I’ve tried to create a function, but failed. Answer You can simply spread the desired
