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Tag: reactjs

How to handle empty value in React form fields?

Below code is taken from, my question is how to handle the empty value in the below code. Alert should trigger only when there is some input from the user, it should not trigger if the input is empty Answer you should use an if statement at your handleSubmit function this way if value is equal to ” alert

How to get onMouseOver to work on both elements

I’m building an image slider with arrow keys above the image. I want to hide the arrow icons upon leaving the arrow icons and entering the image. I have gotten it to work on the left arrow icon but once I hover over the right arrow it doesn’t render only the left arrow allows both icons to appear. I would

Combining CSS and custom CSS properties inline on a react component

I need to pass custom CSS properties inline to a React component (Google Model Viewer in this instance),combined with more run-of-the-mill styles (background width, height etc.). There’s quite a lot of questions on using custom properties inline with react, but I couldn’t see one for specifically combing the properties with other styles. I have the styles here, with the commented

Typescript access object key dynamically

I have Theme.ts file like below In my button component I import above theme file like this –> import argonTheme from “../constants/Theme”; In my button component I want to get access to that color dynamically like this This line gives me typescript error –> const colorStyle = color && argonTheme.COLORS[color.toUpperCase()]; This is the error I’m getting How can I write

how to toggle between two css classes view types with react

I have a List and Grid type display. How do I toggle between them in React. I want to toggle between jsGridView and jsListView classes. This is the vanilla js of the toggling of classes ** this is my react file where I have the display items and buttons to toggle. how do I implement the toggle event listeners into
