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Tag: reactjs

Prevent last longer call to overrite shorter new call

I’m working with React, and in my component every time the user types a input the code calls a API. But this API takes more time to return with few words than with bigger words. So lets say i type “ne”, and takes 7 seconds to return 100+ results, but before that 7 seconds, i wait a second and finish

Next.js context provider wrapping App component with page specific layout component giving undefined data

I have an auth context component where I’m wrapping my main app component, but at the same time I’m also trying to do page specific layout component per Next.js documentation here: Am I doing this correctly, because I can’t seem to be getting the data from my Context provider. /context/AuthContext.js /_app.js /components/Project/List.js I’m trying to console log the user,

How to properly implement useQueries in react-query?

I’m using react-query to make two separate queries in the same React component. I originally tried using two useQuery hooks: Here’s the content of useData, which is imported from another file: fetchData is a function that queries an AWS DDB table. I’m happy to post that function, but I’m currently excluding it for brevity. Rendering Component results in this error:

Is there any way to detect individual elements rendering in React Component properly? (Not Components rendering)

I know that we can detect Components rendering through React’s Developer Tool, I have also read other ways in this question. but this is not what I need. I’m looking for way to detect individual elements rendering in Component, for example when we have mapped list and we will add one item: before: after: I know that here React creates
