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Tag: react-testing-library

react – how to test a component if it has value prop

App.js Input.js I want to use jest and react-testing-library to test for the <Input> component. But I cannot figure out how to handle the value prop. This is the test file I’ve made, but I cannot go further. The test returns failed after I run it. Codesandbox Answer With react-testing-library you want to avoid testing the internal values of

React Testing with history passed

Problem Statement I’m using create react app with Jest. In my test, I simply want to render out a component that needs history passed to the state before it can load. I’ve been researching and trying to get to this to work for awhile. The source I’ve been using shows how to pass the history to the router –

MUI5 not working with jest – SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

Reproducible repo: What is more worrying is: in the sandbox the tests pass. However if you checkout the above repo, which was imported into this sandbox it will not pass locally. I have no doubt that the issue is my jest does not compile the node_modules that would be needed for running my tests. But I am at

Unit testing react redux thunk dispatches with jest and react testing library for “v: 16.13.1”,

I have following function. const loadUsers= () => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch(userRequest()); let response= null try { response= await UserService.getUser(); dispatch(userLoading()); } catch (error) { dispatch(userError(error)); } finally { dispatch(userSuccess(response)); } }; }; With the following unit test I was abale to hit the “dispatch(userRequest());” describe(‘user thunk’, () => { it(‘dispatches a userRequest’, async () => {

Preventing “not wrapped in act(…)” Jest warning when state update doesn’t affect UI

I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to prevent the “not wrapped in act(…)” warning thrown by Jest/testing-library when I have nothing to assert after the state update that causes the warning happens, or if I should just ignore this warning. Suppose I have this simple component: Suppose I want to simply test that this component renders
