Back in the day, several years before React, I learned to wire events to tables by attaching the listener to the <tbody> and read the true source of the event form the event target. In that way, we have one listener for the entire table, instead of potentially hundreds. I used to have a test that would should have much
Tag: performance
How to use the `PerformanceNavigationTiming` API to get page load time?
I am trying to to use the PerformanceNavigationTiming API to generate a page load metric. The MDN API document linked above says that the PerformanceEntry.duration should give me what I need because it: [r]eturns a timestamp that is the difference between the PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd and PerformanceEntry.startTime properties. However, when I check this property, I get simply 0. I’m accessing this API
how can I prevent extra background operations when I change an state in react?
Introducing Code I attempted to write an Exercising code by React which illustrates a bus and its seats. The seats that are reserved, are unselectable and red. The rest of the seats are selectable by clicking on them and choosing a gender at an opened popup. You can see and try it here. The Problem Everything works well. But my
How to speed up surprisingly slow Google Sheets Apps Script functions that copy formulas from one column to newly inserted column
I have a workbook with multiple sheets, and the main sheet has 123 rows and 90 columns currently. I’ve coded the following functions (which work) to define an onChange event handler for the INSERT_COLUMN event that automatically populates the cells of the newly-inserted column with the contents of the column immediately to the left. Then it deletes the values of
How to embed an accurate DOM Elements Counter without Popup Box
Stumbling upon a Javascript DOM Elements Counter here and here (courtesy of lingtalfi) I want to speed up my website. Apparently the number of, the length of and the depth of DOM elements seems to have an impact on speed. I want to count the DOM overhead and show it in the HTML without a need for a keypress. This
JS How can I increase the performance of this Max/Min coding challenge?
I’m trying to solve some ‘’ coding challenges. I’m stuck on this one: You will be given an array of integers arr and a single integer k. You must create an array arr’ of length k from elements of arr such that its unfairness is minimized. Unfairness is defined as max(arr’) – min(arr’) The function should return the minimum possible
How Can I integrate my Login Component in Navbar?(Code Attached)
I am a new programmer and I recently started following a music-player tutorial, and am experiencing a couple of issues with it. Project Overview: What I Have So Far: As previously described, it is a music-player project made with create-react-app. It has 4 playlists, persian, rock, turkish, and house, whom all have their separate route-able .js page. The app is structured
How to fix React Apex Chart initial mount delay?
I am using React Apex chart library in my project.I’ve figured that the library charts have a small delay before rendering on initial mount. This issue harms the UX because the component that renders ApexCharts won’t be displayed until after the delay. Is there a way to fix this ? Answer I figured out the solution. To avoid the app
Would calling Performance API frequently be causing a performance issue?
I want to measure the memory usage of my web SPA using performance.memory, and the purpose is to detect if there is any problem i.e. memory leak during the webapp’s lifetime. For this reason I would need to call this API for specific time interval – it could be every 3 second, every 30 second, or every 1 minute, …
JS – Is there a more efficient way to compare values in an array to a target search term
I am aiming to search an array of objects for one that’s title is similar or matches a search term exactly. The problem is I would like to prioritise exact matches over matches that only contain the string. The current code does this by looping multiple times, each time with a different condition, and returns the object if it matches.