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Tag: counter

ReactJS counter or timer with Start or Stop Button

Need help to understand in useEffect, if I don’t put counter and timerCheck in useEffect dependency then what it will effect here. And if I put timerCheck dependency in useEffect then counter increasing 100 time faster Also how can i run this code without any error or warning code in codesandbox Answer Try not to declare unnecessary states. timerCheck state

How to stop a function when it’s called?

I’m building a program that either counts down or up and I’ve got it working however I like to press count-up in the middle of count down or vice versa and I like the counter to stop and count up or vice versa. how do I achieve that? thanks a lot for your help 🙂 Answer Use a variable to

Count frequency of specific value in JavaScript object

I have a JavaScript object that is structured as such: var subjects = {all: “inactive”, firstSingular: “active”, secondSingular: “inactive”, thirdSingular: “active”, firstPlural: “inactive”, secondPlural: “inactive”, thirdPlural: “inactive” I would like to count the instances of the “active” value within this object (i.e return 2). I could certainly write a function that iterates through the object and counts the values, though

How to execute this result within a limited function

Questions are as follows: The first time you call the add, it will return 1; the second time you call, it returns 2; Can only be written in function The current idea is that a global variable is needed So the current way of writing But this way of writing does not meet the requirements I don’t know how to

Why can’t i output outside a function, in this scenario where i’m creating a simple counter i’m confused as to why it’s working inside and not out?

Why can’t I output outside the function here, why does it need to be inside? Answer Because if it were where you’ve shown in the question, the value would be 0. The code runs immediately on page load, it doesn’t wait for something to call countJar. Where it is now, it doesn’t run until countJar is called. If you mean

Enable button when counter reaches zero

I have a button its disabled and i want to put a counter inside it, what i want to do is when the counter reaches zero it get enabled, how can i do that? in the code below the counter doesn’t appear inside the button and i don’t want the reset button i just want the button to be enabled
