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Tag: node.js

Electron “ready-to-show” event not working as expected

Here is a block of code from my application Codey. src/ src/docs/renderer.js When darkMode = true, toggleDarkMode is never run. My application has two different windows – an editor and a docs window. For both windows, on the “ready-to-show” event, “dark-mode:toggle” is sent to the renderer process. However, the docs window fails to run the toggleDarkMode function whilst it works

Accessing MS Graph ‘Unable to retrieve user’s mysite URL.’ Using Client Credentials One Drive

‘Unable to retrieve user’s mysite URL.’ Using Client Credentials One Drive is this because I’m using 365 family? not 365 business ? { “error”: { “code”: “UnknownError”, “message”: “Unable to retrieve user’s mysite URL.”, “innerError”: { “date”: “2022-03-17T17:08:21”, “request-id”: “a6717666-1188-4e65-af8f-61e14e419d82”, “client-request-id”: “a6717666-1188-4e65-af8f-61e14e419d82” } } } Answer I have checked and confirmed with azure, that only Microsoft Business Plan is allowed

why req.body.title shows ‘undefined’

I’m new to NODE JS and practicing with some POST forms from PUG to a NODE JS server. I have a simple form to update a photo title and description posted onto mongodb. When I submit the form from the web browser the submission input comes back to the server as ‘undefined’. These two processes in POST log ‘undefined’: (see

Question for Accessing MS Graph Using Client Credentials One Drive?

I can’t seem to grasp my error this is the result of the JSON return it’s not telling me anything I don’t know what’s wrong, I looked at the token and I have roles by the way I have client_credentials token Update: I tried on using this api it works on that website, But in postman it won’t

Issue in calling a smart contract function with web3

I’m trying to call the createCustomer function provided in this smart contract and we basically have to provide three parameters like string memory _hashedEmail, string memory _name and string memory _phone. So I’ve written the following program to call the createCustomer function However it gives me this err which doesnt make any sense as i’ve already provided the three
