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Tag: microsoft-graph-api

Accessing MS Graph ‘Unable to retrieve user’s mysite URL.’ Using Client Credentials One Drive

‘Unable to retrieve user’s mysite URL.’ Using Client Credentials One Drive is this because I’m using 365 family? not 365 business ? { “error”: { “code”: “UnknownError”, “message”: “Unable to retrieve user’s mysite URL.”, “innerError”: { “date”: “2022-03-17T17:08:21”, “request-id”: “a6717666-1188-4e65-af8f-61e14e419d82”, “client-request-id”: “a6717666-1188-4e65-af8f-61e14e419d82” } } } Answer I have checked and confirmed with azure, that only Microsoft Business Plan is allowed

can’t fetch msgraph data using vanilla js

I am trying to pull data from the endpoint I have done this using python but I can’t seem to fetch data from Microsoft Graph using vanilla js. When I attempt to perform a fetch request. I get a 200 response but nothing is inside the response object. Here is the fetch code: I get a response of: but
