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Tag: node.js

Res.Render Is Stalling

Sorry if I’m sharing too much (or too little!) I’m not sure how to provide code when it’s contained in multiple files like this. In the small project I have my app.js server using express and ejs. I have a “/compose” route which creates a blog post with a “Title” and “Content”. It then pushes this into a global array

Passing Variable to page.evaluate() function

I’m trying to pass a variable I am using in my code into page.evaluate function, but it’s console.logging as it’s not defined and creating errors for my code. I get the following error: (node:3210) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Evaluation failed: ReferenceError: putterID is not defined Answer Update: I need to pass putterID in like this:

Typescript Pick optionnal unset variable

I’m trying to use the “pick” function of typescript to get all the possible values of my objects. My objects have optional attributes so they are not necessarily set and I also try to convert “type” attribut to a type with : but I think there is a better way to do it and I don’t know where to use

How to attach multiple class method from loop?

.regularExpression() is hardcoded 3 times in the script, is there a way to dynamically attach it from loops from variable const regex = [‘reg1’, ‘reg2’, ‘reg3’]? Usage: Answer You can use the reduce method: In this way, starting from the initial value Check.string(), you will iteratively chain new regular expressions, accordingly to your array. Alternatively, you can use a plain

Array of functions with additional arguments in the express router middleware

From the above code, I’m passing an array of functions [cb0, cb1] and each function requires some data attribute of type any and additional parameters like req, res and next. Earlier,I tried passing the data attribute like below format using bind concept. app.get(‘/example/d’, [cb0.bind(data), cb1.bind(data)], (req, res, next) But if I use the bind concept, then how to pass the

Sending message from Main to Renderer

Could someone help me out here. I’m completely confused on how to solve this. I’ve now spent about a week trying to find a solution for this but have come up short and there appears to be a lack of a solid solution online. I’ve made a github repository trying to demonstrate the issue. In short I’ve implemented a status
