I am using webpack and firebase. I have this line in my package.json > “start”: “webpack-dev-server ./index.js”, In my index.js file I have function In my index.html file I have this line > <input type=”submit” onclick=logUserIn() value=”Log in”> When I click that button I get this error > Uncaught ReferenceError: logUserIn is not defined I also have this line in
Tag: node.js
External API Calls With Express, Node.JS and Require Module
I have a route as followed: I’m trying to make an API call to the Giant Bomb API to bring back whatever data it has about World of Warcraft. The problem is, the route just loads; it doesn’t do anything or it doesn’t time out, it’s just continuous loading. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but that being said…
Is it possible to override a local .npmrc when running `npm install`?
My project has an .npmrc located in its root, which contains the infamous ${NPM_TOKEN} hack and is required for CI, Staging, Production, etc. In order to work around this reality, I’d like for developers to be able to tell npm to use an alternative .npmrc, which contains their _authToken, when installing dependencies. Something like, npm install . –npmrc=~/.npmrc. This would
What is a simple way to use websockets in Node.js WITHOUT a library?
I want a simple socket connection, where the server should tell the client the total amount of connections (whenever a connection happens), and the client should update the DOM. I feel like socket.io or any other library is too full featured for such a simple reason. Any idea how to do this without libraries? Answer Node.js documentation shows a very
How to get firebase id
Anyone know how to get the Firebase unique id? I’ve tried name(), name, key, key(). Nothing works. I am able to see the data but I have no idea how to get the id back. I need it. Answer The call to push will return a Firebase reference. If you are using the Firebase 3 API, you can obtain the
Re-associating an object with its class after deserialization in Node.js
I’m writing a simple serialization / deserialization framework for some application-specific objects. Consider the following: At this point, one can ask “What does d1 have that d2 lacks?” One approach that partially works is to manually assign the methods of d1 to d2: This has a couple of disadvantages. First, I have to manually assign each method of d1 to
Is console.log atomic?
The print statement in Python is not thread-safe. Is it safe to use console.log in Node.js concurrently? If so, then is it also interleave-safe? That is, if multiple (even hundreds) of callbacks write to the console, can I be sure that the output won’t be clobbered or interleaved? Looking at the source code, it seems that Node.js queues concurrent attempts
Sequelize How compare year of a date in query
I’m trying to make this query: How can I perfome this query above in sequelize style? Thanks! Answer You have to use .where here, because the lefthand side of the expression (the key) is an object, so it cannot be used in the regular POJO style as an object key. If you want to combine it with other conditions you
How to print object in Node JS
In the below code (running on Node JS) I am trying to print an object obtained from an external API using JSON.stringify which results in an error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON I have looked at the questions on this topic, but none could help. Could some one please suggest: a) How I could obtain country value from the
Allow only certain events
Is there a way to only allow certain events in a custom eventEmitter? For example, if I have something like this everything works as expected: I get a callback every second on the first event and every 2 seconds on the 2nd event. For the 3rd nothing happens, because I don’t emit this event. Is there a way that this