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Tag: multithreading

Is console.log atomic?

The print statement in Python is not thread-safe. Is it safe to use console.log in Node.js concurrently? If so, then is it also interleave-safe? That is, if multiple (even hundreds) of callbacks write to the console, can I be sure that the output won’t be clobbered or interleaved? Looking at the source code, it seems that Node.js queues concurrent attempts

Is there any possibility of two asynchronous Javascript function instances executing two blocks of code at the same time?

I understand that Javascript doesn’t have multiple threads, but I’d like to know if the following code has any chance of breaking. My understanding is that unless an asynchronous function is called, such as setTimeout or an AJAX call, that once a block of code starts executing there’s no way for it to pause until it completes or does call

Execute Background Task In Javascript

I have a cpu intensive task that I need to run on the client. Ideally, I’d like to be able to invoke the function and trigger progress events using jquery so I can update the UI. I know javascript does not support threading, but I’ve seen a few promising articles trying to mimic threading using setTimeout. What is the best

Why doesn’t JavaScript support multithreading?

Is it a deliberate design decision or a problem with our current day browsers which will be rectified in the coming versions? Answer JavaScript does not support multi-threading because the JavaScript interpreter in the browser is a single thread (AFAIK). Even Google Chrome will not let a single web page’s JavaScript run concurrently because this would cause massive concurrency issues
