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Tag: macos

Stylelint skips entire folders

I have stylelint installed in my project, and I’ve configured its configuration. I added a script to run this linter on my src folder. For some reason, the linter scans only one folder. Here is my configuration file stylelint.config.js: This is the script: “stylelint”: “stylelint –f verbose src/**/*.scss”, My src folder has a lot of .scss files. But this script

AppleScript Hash Symbol (#) in URL

I have this Automator AppleScript to translate texts. It works, but only with one word. If I select two words or more to translate, it changes the hash (#) in the URL to %23, like this and I get a 404 Not Found. Answer I’d use ‘Listing 32-7 AppleScriptObjC: Handler that URL encodes text’ from Encoding and Decoding Text.

Electron notarisation failed due to The binary uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK

We are trying to notarise the electron app but I’m getting this error.The versions which we are using are electron: 3.0.6, electron-builder”: “^21.2.0 Answer By installing some dependencies and moving some dependency to dev-dependencies worked for me. In my case, electron-publisher-s3 I moved this package to dev dependency. This ticket helped me Link

getCurrentPosition in JS does not work on iOS

I have a page that contains a code that gets the current location from the device and load other stuff based on the location with this code: It works on all android devices that I tested, but on iOS and macOS, it’s not working. Neither if nor else. Seems like it stuck at getting the current location. Any help? Answer
