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Tag: electron-builder

Persistent file storage across electon app updates with electron-builder electron-updater

When I update an Electron app using the electron-builder autoUpdater, all the file storage I defined is overwritten. What settings do I need to make these files persist? Here is an MCVE example (for the main process): In this example I’d like the file persistentFile to persist across updates, so that it contains the number generated from the first version.

electron-builder doesn’t create a release in GitHub when publish is set to always, though there are no errors

I am trying to publish an electron app to my GitHub repository’s releases. Here is my package.json When I run the npm run deploy script, I expect it to create a release called v1.0.1 in the GitHub repository, but nothing happens. electron-builder’s output doesn’t show any error. Here is the console output: As you can see from the last two

Electron notarisation failed due to The binary uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK

We are trying to notarise the electron app but I’m getting this error.The versions which we are using are electron: 3.0.6, electron-builder”: “^21.2.0 Answer By installing some dependencies and moving some dependency to dev-dependencies worked for me. In my case, electron-publisher-s3 I moved this package to dev dependency. This ticket helped me Link
