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Tag: jsx

React equivalent to ejs

Im used to do this kind of code using ejs, is there an equivalent way of doing this using react? What Im trying: I need to create a new to each aux.Complements elements, the problem is that I cant do {return complement.title} inside html elements What I get: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression no-unused-expressions

ReactJS error when passing a function as a props

Recently I started to learn ReactJS with help of tutorials and I’ve run into an error I can’t find solution for by myself. One of the first projects I decided to do is To-do list and when trying to pass “handleChange” function as a prop to my component I get this error TypeError: Cannot read property ‘handleChange’ of undefined. Here

How Can I Simplify This JSX Conditional Code?

I´ve got this code snippet: where “buttonsType” is those enums: I´d like to know some better way, to simplify the conditional statement. Or is it possible to have it like this? Thank you. Answer I think Ray Hatfield’s answer is the cleanest solution and avoids repetitive JSX, but I’ll add a switch example as an option. Ternary generally seems like
