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Tag: jquery-events

jQuery datatables ajax callback

I am using jQuery DataTables and doing server-side data. I’m trying to call a function when the ajax call returns. I tried inserting this fnCallback2 which calls my function and the original function, but jQuery just throws an error (and doesn’t tell me what the error is) and skips out. I also tried adding the fnInitComplete parameter, but that only

If domain specified not equal to then current URL apply this jQuery as well as pages with same domain

The code below only shows <span> on but wont show <span> on so how can I get it to work on all pages with the specified domain? Please help. Answer What you wrote doesn’t work because window.location returns a Location object, which is a host object. The variable myurl is a string. When comparing a string and an

Trying to unbind events on iPad2 with javascript

Bit of background, we are creating an html5 ‘app’ for the iPad, which has everything contained in a single page, and all the content is dynamic. I have a dynamically generated anchor, which then has a click event bound to it as so: This all works fine, however the problem is that once we navigate away from that page/section, and

Bind Ready Function and Resize Event

In jQuery, is it possible to somehow “bind” an action to both the ready function and a resize event? I’m trying to add/remove classes on resize and I want the initial class state to be there on ready. Answer The easiest way to do this is to trigger the resize event immediately after binding it:

Event handler returning undefined?

Let’s say I was attaching an event handler of jQuery click event to one of the function of my objects. But why does it return undefined on my properties? Answer You’re passing the function referenced by buttonView.onClick, but it’s association with buttonView is not retained. To retain the reference via this, you can use the jQuery.proxy()[docs] method. Now this in

Issue regarding live event

I was just reading Since the .live() method handles events once they have propagated to the top of the document, it is not possible to stop propagation of live events I was a bit confused with this statement, Can someone please explain me the same with some example? Answer Live method binds a handler to the document, and identifies
