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Tag: java

Script to permenantly delete my emails with Google Script

How does this Gmail.Users.Messages.remove(userId, id) work? What is the ID of the email and is it the right function to permanently delete an email? In my case I want to delete all my sent emails instantly and definitely. Here’s some code I took from someone, only with a different label: Is this in anyway correct and could anyone help me

Java Server Socket transfer String to web socket

My goal is to set up a connection between a Java Server Socket and a browser (using web sockets). So far, the connection works, but my data streams do not. I would like to send a String from the server socket to the web socket. The problems are the input and output streams. The web socket sends “zustimmung” to the

what is meaning of instance in programming?

I don’t get it for long. Are there any alternative words similar to ‘instance’ that are easier to understand? For a non-programmer, how you explain instance? Instance is like example in normal person’s world. I can’t understand what it is if I don’t even understand its meaning. Answer “instance” is best understood as it relates to “class” in programming. “Classes”

Can anyone explain me what is state and mutable data?

In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. Can anyone explain me what is state and mutable data? Can anyone give me examples in either JAVA or JavaScript. Answer mutable suggest anything that can change, i.e. an int In java a string is
