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Tag: iframe

Rails vuejs get height of iframe element

I am using vuejs with rails webpacker and turbolinks. I want to calculate the correct height of the iframe element on the initial page load. Currently, I am getting the height of the element when I manually refresh the page, and when someone navigates from any other pages to the page where the iframe element is located, the height of

How to automatically add a sandbox attribute to iframe using JS

I have multiple video players on my site, but they open popup ads, so to block them I use the sandbox attribute, but not all of the players have the sandbox attribute. So I need javascript to automatically add the sandbox=”allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-pointer-lock allow-presentation allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-forms attribute to all iframes on the page. How can I do this? Help

Hide custom cursor when mouseover on iframe

I am struggling trying to find out how to hide my custom cursor when it’s over an iframe. I designed a custom cursor but it works fine in all the web sections. However, when it goes over he Vimeo iframe, the mouse stay at the edge of the iframe and shows the default web browser cursor. I think the easiest

How to find valid links for iframes?

If I use this code line: The browser will deny the access to the website. But if I use this src, suddenly it works : I saw already couples of websites that the regular domain not working as iframe but additions like /webhp?igu=1 make it work. Why does it happen ? It’s like the “key” / API for using it

Microsoft Edge not displaying

I have a button that creates a new tab and loads some simple HTML and an iframe with a data URI passed into it. The new tab opens and I can see that this is all displayed in the DOM using the navigation tools (F12). However the Iframe does not display in Edge browser. I receive the errorHTTP404: NOT FOUND

Mobile Safari, scrollIntoView doesn’t work

I have a problem with scroll to element on mobile Safari in iframe (it works on other browsers, including Safari on mac). I use scrollIntoView. I want to scroll when all content has been rendered. Here is my code: Answer ScrollIntoView does not work (currently). But you can manually calculate the position of the element and scroll to it. Here

iframe not reading cookies in Chrome

Chrome is not allowing a child iframe to read its own cookies. I have a parent webpage with a child iframe: parent at child at <iframe src=””> (inside of parent) cookie set with path: ‘/’ secure: true httpOnly: false domain: ‘’ I control both sites, and I want the iframe to perform an operation within the iframe that requires

Access iframe variable from parent – undefined

I want to access a variable in iframe from parent index.html. The index.html: The iframe index2.html: In the console, the variable clickParent is “undefined”. How to fix this and make the variable clickParent = clicks? This question is not a duplicate of Sharing global javascript variable of a page with an iframe within that page because it is the opposite.

How to change iframe source

the issue is that I’m trying to develop a web site and I’m using Google Web Design. So far so good. I’ve inserted an iFrame and I want to change it’s source when I’m pressing a button. Every search that I’ve googled speaks about “src” but my iFrame has “source” attribute. I’ve tried almost every solution that I found but
