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Tag: html

JavaScript not working inside HTML Ajax loaded content

I am having an issue when trying to run JavaScript inside an Ajax loaded content on a webpage. I keep getting an error “Cannot set properties of null”. If I move the output of the script to the footer for example which is outside of the Ajax loaded content, the script works fine. This is the piece of code where

How do I toggle CSS features with JS functions

I want to run my function which then starts displaying a CSS element, I currently have CSS HTML JS (the function is called within another function, the calling of the function itself works) I’ve tried to chnange the id’s to classes, the order of .popUpNames .show and the regular .popUpNames I tried extrapolating it from this website, but to

Plus point on each click

I am making a game with img´s each time that the user clic on the correct img win 100 points but i dont get the summations of the points i dont know why The final score still 0 HTML JS Answer I have made the finalScore as global variable and moved the logic to a function. It is working as

How to make my letters change colors periodically?

Im trying to make the inner html of a div to change colors. My div looks like this and my javascript looks like this the result of that code is basically every letter in the banner array gets the first color from the color array, then the second color, until i end up with all the letters being the last

Run PHP after JS validation

I am doing email validation for admin registration using JavaScript and save the data to database using PHP. Supposedly, the registration is done only if the email is valid. But when the email evaluates to invalid, the PHP code still run. How do I do it so that when the email is invalid, the PHP won’t run. Below is the
