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Tag: google-chrome

Why doesn’t chrome.tabs.query() return the tab’s URL when called using RequireJS in a Chrome extension?

I have a simple Chrome extension that adds a browser action. When the extension’s popup is opened, it needs to access the current tab’s URL. Since it doesn’t need access to all the tabs, I just have the activeTab permission specified in the manifest: In theory, that should give the popup access to the active tab’s URL, but the URL

How to store a password as securely in Chrome Extension?

I’m writing an Chrome extension right now which autofills credentials similar to Chrome’s autofill (in which case Chrome’s autofill fails). Is there a secure way to store the username/password in localstorage (all client-side)? If I encrypt the password, won’t the key be locally stored as well effectively making the encryption useless? Effectively, I want the user’s credentials to be as

Run line of javascript code over multiple pages

I want to run a simple line of code: over multiple pages of the same website. I have a list of all those pages, I want to open the page, click those two elements and close the page over – 700 times. Can I possibly program chromium console to do that(taking into account loading times)? Answer You can use PhantomJS

chrome.runtime is undefined when extension installed from chrome store

When i console.log(chrome) with google chrome browser i get certain properties but i find the ‘runtime’ property of chrome is not available. so chrome.runtime is undefined. and hence i am not able to use chrome.runtime.sendMessage for my extension How to resolve the above?? EDIT : my code is : EDIT 2 : from here : I am sure(correct me
