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Tag: printing

Electron print without dialog (silent print)

I just need to use electron js to build my desktop app, I use simple BrowserWindow to load my website in the application. I added some functionality to reload the window when the connection issues so when the internet turn-on again the app will reload the page so it will not show “Page not found”. In my web page it

How to remove at javascript print function

How to remove at Javascript print function? Following is my view page before clicking print button(before fired print function) View page after clicking print button (after fired print function) I want to remove link(url) from Edit and delete button which are showing below.. Javascript function Answer Easiest way is to add a css class to those and then create a

How to print pdf.js document?

I’ve generated a document with pdf.js and it shows correctly. I’don’t have print button. How to add the button to allow users to print it ? I was using Chrome. Answer Try using the javascript-function window.print();, which opens the print-dialog. You will have to add an button to your html, which triggers the command – its not possible within the

How to print text from textarea?

I want to print text from text area. I have a textarea which text can be updated by user. When user update text from textarea and then print the updated text can be print on page. And this text can be print on print page without textarea. Please suggest any solution. Thanks Answer I think I got what you are

Print only?

How do I print the indicated div (without manually disabling all other content on the page)? I want to avoid a new preview dialog, so creating a new window with this content is not useful. The page contains a couple of tables, one of them contains the div I want to print – the table is styled with visual styles
