Long time listener, first time caller. I’ve created a form and sending a fetch request to my database (Xano). My JSON object looks like the below snippet. But Xano needs it to be one level deeper inside “data”, otherwise I can’t map things up with dot notation… My JS is below. So where and how can I make the JSON
Tag: form-data
Translating Curl Request with Form Data to Axios
I’m trying to mimic the following request using axios: More information: https://developer.capitalone.com/documentation/o-auth I came up with the following code: This keeps timing out and not giving me any response, which leads me to believe my request is malformed. Am I doing something wrong in trying to create this request with form data using axios? Answer Paste your curl command into
How to use FormData in node.js without Browser?
I want to make a post request in nodejs without browser since it is backend code. But above code gives me error as FormData not defined. I am working with ES6. Anybody, who can let me know how to use the FormData in nodejs? Answer You can use form-data – npm module. because formData() isn’t NodeJS API Use it this
AWS Upload with multipart/form-data Invalid
I am sending a file to the presignedPOST url to upload to AWS S3 and in other resources I’ve found, to send a file with form-data is to switch to multipart/form-data to send a file. This is the form data I’ve created is this: this is the field in the form in the PARAMs for the request: Is something going
How to get image size of a form field (formData) in Javascript
Any idea how to get size in bytes of an image within a validating javascript function so that user will be prompted to pick a valid image size. I have seen other answers which handle this out of the form logic, but I want to know if I can get the size within the validation javascript function. Thanks Here is
appending array to FormData and send via AJAX
I’m using ajax to submit a multipart form with array, text fields and files. I append each VAR to the main data as so then I use the ajax function to send it to a PHP file to store inside sql DB. But on the PHP side, the arr variable, which is an array appears as a string. When I
How can i get data from FormData in javascript?
I need to read data from FormData? I try to read something like someFormatData[“valueName”] but it not working. options[“fileId”] or options[“file”] does not work. Also I try options.fileId same result: Answer If you take your FormData object you can use a few different methods on it… What you are looking for is or https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData Note that the get() method is
FormData.append(“key”, “value”) is not working
Can you tell me whats wrong with this: My output looks like this, I cant find my “key” – “value” pair I can’t understand! Yesterday it worked so well, and today my head crashed the keyboard so many times! Firefox, Chrome, both the same :/ Answer New in Chrome 50+ and Firefox 39+ (resp. 44+): formdata.entries() (combine with Array.from() for