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Tag: amazon-s3

Return URL from file uploaded to AWS S3

I have a function that makes an API request containing the URL of a new file I just uploaded to AWS S3. And I have one function that only upload the file to S3. I am having issues with returning this URL of the uploaded file. Here is my code: Here is the SDK doc with the upload example:

React-Router locations on AWS s3 bucket do not work

I have my static react app hosted in an AWS s3 bucket. It renders fine. However, I am utilizing react-router-dom to navigate between “pages.” (I have enabled public access, enabled static website hosting, listed my index document as index.html). For example, my bucket website endpoint is http://< When I click on one of my navigation buttons which links to http://<,

AWS S3 REST API “RequestTimeTooSkewed” Error

I am attempting to initiate a multipart upload to an s3 bucket directly from the browser by following the corresponding AWS Docs. However, I’m receiving the following response error: Am I mistaken or are these times in fact within the 9000 millisecond skew cap in which AWS deems a request time valid? After console logging the times for better analysis
