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Tag: filter

Javascript How to filter through nested array data

I have a search field which filters through an array when I’m typing. So far it works ok, but I cannot search within the “courses” array! How can I achieve this? The complete array looks like this: Here is my JS code so far, where I can search through all fields, except the “courses”-array: Can someone help me out? Answer

Combine javascript functions to work together

I am building a search form that filters the results based on the a text input as well as select options from four separate drop-downs (category, sub-category, location, etc). The following two functions work well, but I just realized that if I type a search term in the input, make my drop-down selections and then go back and type a

vue v-for with filter gives error

I’m trying to use a local filter with v-for but I’m getting an error Property or method “filterByTitle” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. Code below Answer Filters are limited in Vue 2 primarily to formatting

Filter object properties by key in ES6

Let’s say I have an object: I want to create another object by filtering the object above so I have something like. I am looking for a clean way to accomplish this using Es6, so spread operators are available to me. Answer If you have a list of allowed values, you can easily retain them in an object using: This

Return index value from filter method javascript

I have an array of objects in my angular controller. I want to return the value of the index of the field within the array which has a matching ID to my parameter. There will only be one object in the array with a matching fieldId.. Answer You can’t return index from filter method. The filter() method creates a new
