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Javascript How to filter through nested array data

I have a search field which filters through an array when I’m typing. So far it works ok, but I cannot search within the “courses” array! How can I achieve this? The complete array looks like this:

const data = [{
  name: "john doe",
  city: "blabla",
  zipcode: "1234",
  email: "",
  phone: "12345678",
  courses: [
     title: "some course",
     provider: "some provider",
     end_date: "some date"
     title: "another course",
     provider: "another provider",
     end_date: "another date"

Here is my JS code so far, where I can search through all fields, except the “courses”-array:

data = data.filter(row => {
   return Object.keys(row).some(key => {
     return (
        .indexOf(filter) > -1

Can someone help me out?



The following will search both, all fields of your top level objects in dataas well as all fields in the objects of each course array:

const data = [{
  name: "john doe",
  city: "blabla",
  zipcode: "1234",
  email: "",
  phone: "12345678",
  courses: [
     title: "some course",
     provider: "some provider",
     end_date: "some date"
     title: "another course",
     provider: "another provider",
     end_date: "another date"
  name: "jane aire",
  city: "dooodaaah",
  zipcode: "987",
  email: "",
  phone: "8997652",
  courses: [
     title: "how to win",
     provider: "by herself",
     end_date: "tomorrow"
     title: "you can do it",
     provider: "Harry",
     end_date: "next week"

// check whether `filter` is found in `value`:
function chk(filter){return function(value){return String(value).toLowerCase().indexOf(filter)>-1}}
const res=document.getElementById('res');  // show found results in <pre id="res">

// whenever the input changes:
 let chkfilt=chk( || null);
   data.filter(row => { return Object.values(row).some(chkfilt) 
                               ||>Object.values(o).some(chkfilt)) })
.as-console-wrapper {max-height:100% !important}
<input type="text" placeholder="search string ...">

<pre id="res"></pre>