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Tag: filter

JQuery Search function for div containers

I am trying to use JQuery and this script (to filter my mySql output): the mySql entries I want to filter look like this in html: so each <div class=”card” id=”notes”> is one entry. The problem is (as you can see) I probally use this function wrong because I filter $(“#notes div”).filter(function() { so if I search “ABC” the script

Multiple conditions for result filter

I have an array of objects that I am filtering through based on a query. If the query matches a title inside the array of objects I return it. These words if I just search on a word like “xbox”, however, if I search “xbox controller” it returns nothing. I was thinking of splitting req.query like this: const reqy =

get index of filtered array

how to get the index of filtered array? for example I wanna to get the index of even number let nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; let filterNum = nums.filter(num=> num %2 ==0); console.log(filterNum);…

How to filter by id?

I want to filter stories by ids. I have tried to use .filter method but it is showing me empty array [] Answer You have a few issues: You’re using .story_id when your object is using id You’re trying to check if a number is equal to the array id, this won’t work. Instead, you can use .includes() method on

React map how to remove empty elements?

I have objects, some of these objects have different properties when the map renders empty elements for me How can I remove these empty elements? maybe you need to use filter or something else? JavaScript_Lessons_Objects.js Lesson.jsx I think the problem is clear when I added to the heading object: [<div> <span className = {jsStyle.title}> JSON OBJECTS </span> </div>], I

How do I eliminate all these if-else

I have written this code to filter a “books” array, depending on the author or genre have been given as a parameter:- I believe there must be some way to write this more “professionally” without using all these if-else. So if anyone knows a better way, I’ll appreciate it. [Edited] Thanks to all, I decided to go with ghostkraviz solution,

Filter array based on multiple filters

I have a table that I want to be able to apply multiple filters to. My current code will filter by email OR status but I want it to do both so a user can refine the results. I’ve tried adding && instead of || in the filteredInvoices variable. I allow the user to select the filters they want to
