I have a datepicker calendar as below [![enter image description here][1]][1] To select a particular date I am using this code Now to select the date I am using below approach which is working fine but I don’t wanted to use nth-of-type(1) because it will cause issue in future I tried this approach whic didn’t work Can you folks help
Tag: automation
Cypress error while migrating from js to ts (ts2345) (ts2339)
Currently trying to convert a cypress(10) project from js to ts. My Custom commands don’t seem to be working, i get the following error while defining the custom command(the name of the custom command is underlined in red): My Custom command code: When using those commands (*.ts file now after renaming from *.js) i also get an error: What do
Tampermonkey automation of selecting option in a menu
I’m trying to write a script for selecting an option from a menu once the website is loaded. Here is the code of the menu. I have tried several codes from StackOverflow. Like and Both of them work in the Console of Google Chrome. However, it does not work when I copy and paste the script in tampermonkey. Does anyone
Concate String to a formula in app script
I have a values in google sheet and the format is =+40,-58. This give me ERROR! because the sheet is taking it as formula. I can manually edit this by adding ‘ single qoute before equal sign but when i append qoute using script it append qoute with ERROR!. Tried multiple thing like getting cell type, convert it to string.
Way to automatically open browser at certain time of day using JavaScript?
Is there a way to open browser and automate tasks using JavaScript while my computer is on but without having anything opened? Perhaps using NodeJS? Just to clarify, I’m not talking about JS methods like window.open(), I’m talking about automating tasks on hardware level. For instance: Open Chrome at 12:00PM on Wednesday. Go to google.com. Sign in. If JavaScript can’t
Cypress, look for multiple parameters like ID and Class
I was wondering if it’s possible to search by multiple parameters in cypress, for example ID and Class is this something that is achievable??? Answer Yes you can directly use #button_id.button-class In my local I cross created this element: And in the test runner if you could see, I was able to use both class and id cy.get(‘#titleid.titleclass’) and successfully
How to click and hold in Puppeteer
I am trying to click and hold using Puppeteer. I tried using page.click inside a while loop but it didn’t work. I also tried this: Any ideas how to do this? Answer There are a few tools to trigger a mouse hold in Puppeteer: page.click, mouse.click, mouse.down and mouse.up. page.hover can be useful for positioning the mouse over a selector
Multiple Step definition files with Codecept Gherkin
I’m currently working with a Codecept’s Gherkin framework. At the moment my step definition file is huge (1000+ lines) and I want to break it down to smaller, more maintainable chunks but I haven’t been able to find a way of doing with codecept and google hasn’t been much of a help. In the codecept config file the step definition
How do I run a beforeEach in Cypress?
I’m currently building a test, and it seems that after the second and third test, the beforeEach is not getting the information that I need and is telling me that I’m having the following issue: cy….
how to launch puppeteer with an already existing profile multiple time
so am trying to launch puppeteer with already existed chrome profile and it works , but what i want to do is to launch the same process multiple time which throw an error (node:12820) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to launch the browser process! [0311/152606.490:ERROR:chrome_main_delegate.cc(679)] Web security may only be disabled if ‘–user-data-dir’ is also specified with a non-default value am doing