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Tag: arrays

How can I remove occurrences with random hash?

I have a controlled <input /> in my React application where the user would type. I want to keep track on it and replace the occurrences of $.text and $.lang to random hashes/number. from I want all occurrences of $.text and $.lang to have a random number(or anything unique): to What I have done so far The issue is it

Javascript Filter and Some on Array of Objects

I have this array of objects I have to filter this list with 4 different select boxes, Catalogues, Categories, Suppliers, Type. I can filter the list for type because it is not in an array like so but for catalogues, categories and suppliers they are a level down. I have tried but I get catalogs.some is not an object, I

Retrieve the value of each custom markup

How to get each value after the “=” with the shortest script? DATEADDED=20210301 20:21:02 IDENT=* IP=88.164.x.x REASON=aaa bbb ccc… NOTE=xxx xxx x x x x… Put everything in an array Example: Result response of array : [‘20210301 20:21:02’, ‘*’, ‘8.164.x.x’, ‘aaa bbb ccc…’, ‘xxx xxx x x x x…’] Answer finally I was inspired by another code that I had

Get two properties at runtime and make combination of those two properties in string (orderby orderdirection)

I have two properties “orderby” and “orderdirection” in widget. In runtime I can adjust those properties check snip : I want to set these properties in my rest api query. eg: Query = “/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘” + listname + “‘)/items?&”$select=ID,Title,Date&$orderby=Title desc,Date asc” Above values are hardcoded but I want to change those values in runtime. When I want to update just one

How to use a Data Array within a Chart JS dataset?

I have the following JSON, that I want to insert a chart using Chart JS: And I created a function to load this JSON into an Array: When I load this Array into the Chart, As below: No information on “datasets” appears to me, only the “label”, what is the mistake I am making? Graphic Image Answer Try to split
