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Tag: arrays

Mutate Vuex array passed in the payload

What’s the technical difference between next two approaches? Example is trivial but when I have huge nested objects, I need to pass lots of IDs in order to find desired object inside the mutation. In second example I pass an array and just mutate it. Again, technically in both examples we invoke the same push method. Am I right? Should

Access nested Json

I get this back from my API call in Google Script Editor I had a script that was working fine with a different call so i am using the same. The script is the below. So when i push data.values[0].value i get all the values back but i just want the first. What am i doing wrong? Answer Your response

get index of filtered array

how to get the index of filtered array? for example I wanna to get the index of even number let nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; let filterNum = nums.filter(num=> num %2 ==0); console.log(filterNum);…

How to find a document with an array of strings based on if it has items in common with a reference array of string?

Given a reference array of strings: [“Comedy”, “Horror”, “Romance”], I would like to query a Movie model with this schema: Such that I will get results where I will get Movies with categories in common with the reference array, sorted by the amount of elements it has in common with the reference array. For example: Note that Movie A is

Javascript – Loop through nested object

I have 1 array with multiple object and an object. How do i find and return the data matching that object. Here is an illustration of my code. This should return but it does not and not sure why. Can someone help? Answer You can’t use Array.includes for this purpose as you can’t compare two objects for equality (you will
