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Using google photos API in 2023

Does anyone have an example of how to use the google photos API in 2023? I’m specifying the year because if I try to search for documentation for this, I end up on a photos.get (from google) with sample code that when I run it, gives me an error that the documented approach is already deprecated: I’m trying to figure

@opentelemetry/sdk-node vs @opentelemetry/sdk-tracing-node

I am trying to play with open telemetry in a Node application. I find it a bit confusing that some examples ask me to install the @opentelemetry/sdk-node (like this official guide), while some others ask me to install @opentelemetry/sdk-tracing-node (like this one, also offical guide). The examples that require @opentelemetry/sdk-node have code like this: The ones using @opentelemetry/sdk-tracing-node are like

dropdown select not being part upon the process of cloning

Cloning code works it’s just that the dropdown select is not being part of the cloning process. What I am trying to do is, also pass the value of dropdown select of row to be cloned upon the process of cloning the row. Answer live is deprecated so update your jQuery library. For your question: First of all find and
