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Verify External Script Is Loaded

I’m creating a jquery plugin and I want to verify an external script is loaded. This is for an internal web app and I can keep the script name/location consistent(mysscript.js). This is also an ajaxy plugin that can be called on many times on the page. If I can verify the script is not loaded I’ll load it using: How

How to set a Header field on POST a form?

How can I set a custom field in POST header on submit a form? Answer It cannot be done – AFAIK. However you may use for example jquery (although you can do it with plain javascript) to serialize the form and send (using AJAX) while adding your custom header. Look at the jquery serialize which changes an HTML FORM into

Access variables and functions defined in page context using a content script

I’m learning how to create Chrome extensions. I just started developing one to catch YouTube events. I want to use it with YouTube flash player (later I will try to make it compatible with HTML5). manifest.json: myScript.js: The problem is that the console gives me the “Started!”, but there is no “State Changed!” when I play/pause YouTube videos. When this

iframe js issues

I’m new to web development and js. I understand some js and jQuery, but not enough to write useful code yet, so I’m hoping to get help here. I’m incorporating some 3rd party web apps into my website via an iFrame (out of pop-up windows and direct links, this is the best way) and have a two part question. 1)

How to SetTimeout to go back to the first div? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 4 months ago. Improve this question I have three divs on one page, the first div is an html5

Does scrollIntoView work in all browsers?

Does scrollIntoView() work in all browsers? If not is there a jQuery alternative? Answer It is supported yes, but user experience is… bad. As @9bits pointed out, this has long been supported by all major browsers. Not to worry about that. The main problem is the way that it works. It simply jumps to a particular element that may as
