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Tag: httprequest

Fastest way to send 500 requests using JS

I need to write a function that fetches the rate limit test page 500 times with a 200 status code as fast as possible. Cloudflare will rate limit you if you make more than 10 requests within a minute to This is my code so far: Is there a better way of doing this and using setTimeOut? Answer 10

Http PUT deletes data that hasn’t been changed

I am trying to edit a JSON data base of shifts. I am writing in Javascript using react. This is my understanding of the PUT syntax: data.json: The result is that the new shift will hold only the fields that have been changed and delete the rest. Any ideas why? Answer I had to send the whole updated shift into

save response of http request on variable and extract it from the function on node.js

just need to console.log output in a variable (let body on my code) rather than in the console, and res.send (“body” not “data” that send now) this variable on angular/postman where make the request as a response. if i console.log(body: ${body}) inside the function, give the same result on terminal as process.stdout.write(d). So my problem is how to extract the

Issue downloading string as text file

I am trying to download data gotten from a GET request as a .txt file but I keep getting ‘undefined’ as the content of the downloaded file. I only need the data portion of the response. A sample response is provided below as well as my redux action, reducer and my export function My action: my reducer: my download function:

How to set a Header field on POST a form?

How can I set a custom field in POST header on submit a form? Answer It cannot be done – AFAIK. However you may use for example jquery (although you can do it with plain javascript) to serialize the form and send (using AJAX) while adding your custom header. Look at the jquery serialize which changes an HTML FORM into
