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.sort not working with Firefox

I wrote a Javascript app that I didn’t think any modern browser would have any issue with, but when I tested it, it worked fine with Chrome, Safari, Opera, even IE… but not Firefox. This is the sort in question: Here’s a JSfiddle I made to demonstrate – What that fiddle should do, is when you click on one

What’s to stop malicious code from spoofing the “Origin” header to exploit CORS?

The way I understand it, if a client-side script running on a page from wants to request data from, in the request it must specify the header Origin:, and bar must respond with Access-Control-Allow-Origin: What is there to stop malicious code from the site from simply spoofing the header Origin: to request pages from

How to vary the thickness of doughnut chart, using ChartJs.?

How to vary the thickness of doughnut chart, using ChartJs Answer since version 2 the field has been renamed to cutoutPercentage. cutoutPercentage Number 50 – for doughnut, 0 – for pie The percentage of the chart that is cut out of the middle. It can be used like this more details here Update: Since version 3 According to the

Embedded YouTube videos won’t replay

Strange one: embedded YouTube videos, once played (either by clicking ‘play’ or autoplaying on page load) will not play again. I’m using the standard iFrame embed copied straight from YouTube. This happens with several different short videos and across all browser/OS combinations I’ve tested (Chrome/Safari/Firefox/IE on Windows/Mac). Here’s the code: and you can see it in action at this fiddle.

TinyMCE : Toolbar icons not appearing

I was exploring tiny mce editor for one of my project and what I found out was the Icons in the tool bar are not appearing. It is showing some unicode which the browser is unable to display. Here is the html code for the page: On the other hand if I replace the script with I am able to

How to add text inside the doughnut chart using Chart.js?

How to render Text inside the doughnut chart, I am using ChartJs. Answer You have to modify the code like: in chart.Doughnut.defaults and then in function drawPieSegments ctx.fillText(data[0].value + “%”, width/2 – 20, width/2, 200); See this pull: here is a fiddle implementing the same.

Get ‘Nan’ when auto calculate

I am creating a form using Gridview in ASP.NET. When the user fills in Qty and Price it needs to automatically calculate the Total. However, my Total always returns Nan (Not a number). What am I doing wrong? The ASP page looks like this: The JavaScript: Answer why are you using isNan and parseInt at the same time ? i

AngularJS input event trigger

I searched in internet, how to implement jQuery UI autocomplete into angularJS. I have found a very good sample and it is working. Here Sourcecode HTML JS What I really get confused is, about trigger input event on the select event. What is input for an event, I have never hear about it. I searched in Internet about input event
