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Sorting the Date of Format DD.MM.YYYY in javascript

I have set of Data having date along with the list. I need to sort the fields. I am able to sort all other fields except Date. Find below the code. And also if I sort the column “Name”, the other two column’s icon also changing. I want the solution like if i sort the particular column, that particular column

Parsing values from Google news

From Google news I’m attempting to parse the results. For example, parse the title and text from the search “latest movie releases”, here is the URL:…299098.305542.0.305681.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..1.13.704…0j33i10k1.0.9TgaNbbee40 The results appear to use #rso in the id: But the iterator over $(‘#rso’).each is empty. What id or css element should I select in order to iterate over the divs of search

Create new Array using two Arrays Specific data and values

I want to create a new Array using two arrays. There is a itemTypeId i want to get itemTypeName match with itemTypeId. Expected Array I added below tried solution but its contain unwanted key-value pairs also. Attached screenshot of output. Answer You can create a Map object and map it with time complexity O(1): An example:

Trigger download immediately after document ready

I am trying to download a file immediately after a page has been loaded by triggering an a link. But this isn’t working for some reason. Am I doing something wrong? Answer You can dynamically create and click a link when the page loads – simply add this to the page markup:

use lodash convert one JSON structure to another

I have a json JSON structure like this I want to convert data to an output structure like this. Here’s the target with just the result I want to achieve. split the key valeu to new object if the value is the same. Thanks in advance. Answer You may achieve the desired transformation with Object.entries, Array.prototype.reduce and spread operator for

Display price based on User selection

I can’t seem to get the price to display on the page with image. The correct image displays and the correct price is passed to PayPal, but I can’t get price based on the selection to display with the image. I can not seem to get the price to display on the page with image. The correct image displays and
