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How to increment the filename if file already exists in javascript

I have implemented Drag and Drop File Upload in my react project, so on every drag and drop of file into the drop zone , I’m taking the file and accessing it’s name and it’s data and converting the data to base64 using javscript’s FileReader() and readAsDataURL() and updating the state, which I need to send it to bakend. How

Accordion Experiencing jQuery Issue

I am currently working on a HTML dropdown with Accordion & jQuery. For example in the snippet below, I have AU Controls with different levels. I want to organize parent rows with the level rank, and then the appropriate controls under each Level Parent row. UPDATE: I have figured out the nesting issue and was able to fix that. Now

How to seed a one file only with sequelize-cli?

sequqlize-cli db:seed:all is working fine, but how to seed only one file? Tried to db:seed:[name-that-i-gave-with-create-command] and db:seed:[full-path-to-seed-file.js] but it doesnt work. It outputs nothing. Docs say sequelize db:seed Run specified seeder But how to do that? Answer To run a specific seed indicate –seed <seed_file_nams.js>:

how to Remove last selected value

I am trying to add values with the help of jquery But last value + in code again and again The last value should be cleared when select new value from dropdown Answer I think you mean this newContent += $(“#addedchild1”). is not doing what you think it is There is no content declared You do not need to remove

Why I got Illegal arguments error with simple hash function?

This is my code I run I expected hashed password. Why does terminal point to illegal arguments? Answer In an object literal, password : bcrypt.hash(this.password, salt) calls bcrypt.hash and assigns its return value to the password property. In the code you’ve shown, this doesn’t refer to the object being created, it refers to the same thing this refers to where
