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Preview an many image before it is uploaded

For the first input it works well, but not for the second. Instead of updating the second one it updates the first. How do I separate this two input previews with the same function? Answer Firstly, the IDs should be unieque, so set “load” to “load1” and “load2” for the img element. And you should distinguish the output target by

Retain Values in two related Dropdown List after Page refresh

I have two dropdown lists where on changing the value in the first dropdown, the second dropdown is appended with the values based on the value selected in the first dropdown. My code is: Could anyone please suggest me how to retain the selected values in both dropdowns after page refresh? Answer Use localStorage. SO Stacksnippets do not allow them,

When do I must use the spread operator in useReducer?

I’ve noticed that in many useReducer examples, the spread operator is used in the reducer like this: However in many of my practices, I removed …state and had no issues at all. I understand that …state is used to preserve the state of the remaining states, but would a reducer preserve those states already so the …state is not needed?

requestAnimationFrame with higher rate than 60 fps

From MDN, I have this: Be sure to always use the first argument (or some other method for getting the current time) to calculate how much the animation will progress in a frame, otherwise the animation will run faster on high refresh rate screens. With this, Can I assume that with a 144hz monitor, for instance, I could have requestAnimationFrame
