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How to enable/disable nested checkboxes using jQuery

I have this piece of code in my Laravel Blade File. I am using jquery (after 4 Years, so need a bit of help out here) to set the checkbox inputs under id #subModule as disabled. (This is working fine) Now what I am trying to achieve is based on the checkbox inputs under id #module, the corresponding submodule checkbox

Object’s values sorted in desecending order

I have this object: Each gladiator has its own abilities and as values are the skill for each ability, I want to print them in desecending order by total skill, this is where I am at the moment: this code prints: I simply want it to print: I want the total skill to be in descending order, if its equal,

Insert SubString in a time input type

I have an time calculator which returns an input type of time in the following format: hh/mm/ss It currently displays like this: When I do a calculate function it return “3:0:0” instead and removes the “0”. How can I change this to be 03:00:00? The “0” must only be added if the h/m/s is less then 10. Here are my

Click button to select text in input is not working

text is not selected in js tried all methods in. select() and in not selecting the text in textbox Answer in is a reserved key in javascript so cant use it and you have to remove () after the onclick when you want to assign it to value.

checking for null in javascript

I have the above if-else-if chain in the code, trying to see if I can write the same logic in one or two lines. Answer Since you want to distinguish between three types of values, you have to make at least two checks already. The else case will never be hit since either !valid or valid will be true. That
