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Tag: laravel-livewire

Laravel Livewire Javascript data is not refreshed after component is re-rendered

I need support because my javascript data is not updating when the livewire component gets re-rendered. I use Fullcalendar in a livewire component In my class I have $this->dispatchBrowserEvent(‘contentChanged’); in the render method. When I update $events I see the updated data in the dump [1] but events [2] is not updated. The log [3] shows always the same events

livewire dispatchBrowserEvent is not triggering alert

I have a livewire component which has an update() function to update the component when it changes. The update() function is called and updates the item in the database as required. At the end of this function i run a dispatchBrowserEvent() to confirm the update but the corresponding function in my js file is not being called and thus the
