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Tag: null

How can I set Date object to null in Javascript?

I am trying to set check_date to null I tried but none of them are working for me. How can I achieve this? Code Answer You can’t set a Date to null. Date is an an embedded JavaScript type. Setting date to new Date(0) just sets it to Unix Epoch. You can, however, set a variable to null. This should

checking for null in javascript

I have the above if-else-if chain in the code, trying to see if I can write the same logic in one or two lines. Answer Since you want to distinguish between three types of values, you have to make at least two checks already. The else case will never be hit since either !valid or valid will be true. That

getElementById in React

Getting this error at the moment: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘value’ of null I call this in my render function below: I also have tried calling it in here How can I get the id of an input text field and read that value and ensure it is not null? I think the DOM is loading after I try

WebGL – cannot reader property createShader of null

I am following a book called professional WebGL, I am hand writing stuff making sure of my understanding, I have this code: for some reason, it says that it can’t read property null for createShader here: shader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); But it doesn’t complain at all for the same declaration but with the fragment shader. Answer Slightly changed version. gl.celar was
