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Tag: package

error An unexpected error occurred: “EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink ‘path_to_project\node_modules\prisma\query_engine-windows.dll.node’

I installed Prisma and I run npx primsa db push it pushed all tables to database successfully, after that I run npx prisma generate it tried to install @prisma/client and it fails with this error message: error An unexpected error occurred: “EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink ‘path_to_projectnode_modulesprismaquery_engine-windows.dll.node’ I tried to remove node_modules and re-install all modules but it not worked.

Unable to resolve dependency tree Reactjs

I am trying to install react-tinder-card in my current project.So i am tring to install the react-tinder-card but after i use the command npm install –save react-tinder-card All i can see in my console is: When i opened the debug.log file, i found this: I don’t understand what that means. Please help me find the solution.Any sort of help would in React Native 0.61.0

I’m migrating my project from React Native 0.59.9 to 0.61.0 (not advisable, but I have my own reasons). In my existing project I have the following code in In in v0.61.0 the following code is auto-generated (corresponds to the code above): Does it make sense that I would add the packages from the first part of the code
