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Tag: webkit

How to perform regular expressions on a Speech Recognition transcript?

Summary of my application: Input: Have the user speak to the computer (ask the computer “What is your name?”) ✅ Perform a regular expression on the ‘transcript’ result (from webkitSpeechRecognition) ❌ Output: console.log(“My name is Harry Johnson”). ❌ I’m trying to perform a regular expression on a speech recognition transcript, as follows: The above works fine and I am able

Javascript change webkit style with variables

Summary I’m working on an input[type=range] that essentially looks like Chrome’s default but the thumb is green until clicked. That’s the end goal. Through a couple answers that are now buried deep in my browser history (hence lack of credit to them) I am able to get it MOSTLY working how I want. Issue The onLoad code works how I

Button element not firing click event when clicking on button text and releasing off it (but still inside the button)?

On WebKit browsers (I tested on Chrome and Safari on Mac), button element behaves weird: Wen in this fiddle you do the following: Press left mouse button while the cursor is over HTML button text Move the cursor (while pressed) to an area of the button without text Release the mouse button Then the click event on the button

Webkit Javascript Console – How to use it?

I’m working on a project and there is a ton of js, etc in it. I didn’t write it I’m “taking it over”. There is a piece of Javascript somewhere that is adding top: -50px margin to an element with the id of “footer”. When I look into the page source (through the developer tools) I can right click on

Convert Data URI to File then append to FormData

I’ve been trying to re-implement an HTML5 image uploader like the one on the Mozilla Hacks site, but that works with WebKit browsers. Part of the task is to extract an image file from the canvas object and append it to a FormData object for upload. The issue is that while canvas has the toDataURL function to return a representation
