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Tag: swift

WKWebView iOS linking Javascript File

I’m having trouble getting a javascript file to run from inside a UIViewRepresentable WKWebView. This is probably a simple question with a simple answer, but I cannot seem to figure this out. I’m new to Swift and iOS programming. I’d like to link to a javascript file from inside a String of HTML that is passed to a UIViewRepresentable of

Why does the decoder not sort by IDs

I’m attempting to have the app get the js file and load the list in order of ID’s first. Videolist+ViewModel.swift VideoDetails+VideoModel.swift VideoUseCase.swift Response.swift what I do not understand is why it randomizes the ID’s it continues to generate random sets of videos in different orders. I’ve attempted everything from videos.sorted to recoding from scratch. AdvertisementAnswer […]

WebViewJavascriptBridge on iOS

So I’m creating an app in which there’s a UIWebView which shows a list of locations. My goal is to make it possible that once the user clicks one of the locations, my app can get the lat and longitude of the spot and therefore launch an integrated Navigation SDK. My point is how do I get and pass the
