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Tag: web-worker

How to create a module worker in javascript

I am working on a program that relies heavily on web workers. But I am unable to get them to function as required. This is just a minified example but the format is more or less similar. I have 4 files: index.html index.js worker.js hello.js The worker should output “Worker Started”. When the button is clicked, the UI thread will

Can console.log()s called from two different Worker threads ever step on each other, or are they always one after the other?

I have this small piece of example code: And: Run like so: node main.js The output is this: Sometimes several console.log()’s from one thread are called before any are called by the other. This is expected, and fine. But is there any chance that a console.log() could be called in the middle of another console.log()? So for example, could this

make d3 force static layout more quickly

I am new in d3js. I rendered a graph ~10000 nodes. I used web worker and static force render ( because normal render is costing more than twice than the web worker). When the range was 10000, it will cost almost 20 seconds, you can see it at console, so how to reduce this times? jsfiddle Answer You are looking

How to use PixiJS in web worker

I need to display a quite complex 2D shape in a canvas using PixiJS and to do so I’d like to create and define all graphic elements in a separate thread (web worker) to not block the rest of the UI. The problem is that when I import PixiJS in the web worker file like this it gives me an

Javascript not resolving worker path relative to current script

I have a script at http://localhost/js/foo.js which needs to spawn a Web Worker from the file http://localhost/js/fooWorker.js. I assumed I could just do something like this: However, this results in a 404 error, as the browser cannot find http://localhost/fooWorker.js. I was under the impression that worker paths were resolved relative to the script spawning the worker, so shouldn’t I just

Global variable in Web worker

I am using this Web worker which has a Global variable declared in it. Can I access the same (Global variable in worker 1) in the newly spawned web worker(worker 2)? When I’ve tried using jQuery in web worker, I get error “window is not defined”. Is there any way to use jQuery in a Web Worker? Answer Web Workers
