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Tag: vuejs2

t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0] is undefined in ApexCharts. How to correctly build the series array?

I’m a beginner in Vue and I’m using vue-apex chart to create a chart in my application. I want to display in chart, the values of the two component’s properties “uncorrectAns” and “correctAns” that I compute thanks to a specific method (computeStat()). When I run the application, the chart isn’t displayed and I get this error message on the browser

VUEX, what to do when $store.state is null

When users are not logged into my website, the state of user is set to null. However, this throws up a lot of issues on some pages where i look to see if this.$store.user For example, if I were to have a simple check such as and the user is not logged in (thus, setting the state of user to

Change buttons color in a vuetify list

After having tried to figure this out for two days I thought I will ask you. I think I do have a simple problem, however because of limited knowledge I’m not able to find a solution. Basically, I do have a list with OK/NOK buttons and I want to change the background color of the (clicked) button (either green or

Vue drag & drop in Recursive component & recursive nesting

Im working with Vue to create recursive Tree component, currently I have added support for checkboxes and expanding nodes, but Im having a bit of trouble with building drag & drop in recursive component Is there any way to implement drag & drop with this sample: Codesandbox Link I can get node that is dragged but on drop I do

“Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers” error even after using computed var for prop

With the following component, I am getting an Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers. error: For reference, here is headers.js: and BaseTableColumn.vue: The issue happens here: However, if I follow the docs like so: I still get the errors, specifically in the updated() hook and the highlightFirst() method, even though I’m not referencing or mutating
