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Tag: redux

Creating table with data from API using Redux

I’m attempting to get information about NBA teams using Redux, then put that data into a table. Right now I’m able to get the data from the API, but I’m struggling to figure out the correct syntax to display a table with the data I collect using Redux (I usually use getContext and am trying to familiarize myself with Redux

How to pass in multiple action creators to single listenerMiddleware in Redux Toolkit?

I want to save state into my database whenever any of its properties changes. I currently have two middlewares that would dispatch my saveTrip function. The two middlewares are identical but listen to different actionCreators. Store.js: Savetrip function: I am not even using the payload thats passed in when I call saveTrip as I’m saving the entries state. I don’t

Jest redux saga API call with response image

I’m trying to test a fetch that responds with a readable stream for an image, but I’m stuck and not sure how to approach this specific case. Is there a simple, easy way to mock the call’s response? Any help would be appreciated 😀 The generator function looks like the following: Answer You can use testing the saga generator function

replacing createStore with configureStore

I updated my packages and VScode told me that createStore was depreciated. So I went about replacing it My store file, I have included the original line as a comment at the bottom Using redux App component With configureStore() the console is giving me a warning about putting non-serizible objects in state. They say its possible but when I try

Redux best practice to filter data

in the process of developing an application, I’m facing a question about whether I’m using Redux correctly. I have a fav:[] in which I add product objects and render their list. However, in order for the data not to be lost, I have to copy this fav:[] to favCopy:[] and only after that execute .filter Example code: I would like
