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Tag: redux

An immer producer returned a new value *and* modified its draft. Either return a new value *or* modify the draft

I understand this has been asked before but so far no answers except someone making a syntax mistake. I have verified this against every tutorial I’ve seen online and I can’t find the issue. It seems to be coming from the fullfilled extraReducer In the component, nothing weird, and yes everything is imported You can see in my image below

how to import child’s state to parent component

I want to import the child state to my parent component in order to change DOM, but I don’t know if its possible or how to do it shall I use Redux in this case ?? if not what possibly I must do to do that Answer You can create state in parent component and pass it to child component

how to build object JS

I have an array of booking and types. From these two arrays I need to build an object. Everything works great, except for the types. Types return an array in each object (same). How can you return the correct object? Answer found a solution to my problem. It was enough to add indexes

react router dom pushing user before finishing action

I’m building a Reddit clone with MERN and am using redux and react in frontend So the problem is when a user tries to register it dosen’t push the user to “/login” route. This is not an issue with redux (i think) because after pressing the “register” button again with a different email it works still here is the redux

Uncomplete payload | React & Redux Toolkit

I have a big problem,maybe it’s not so big but i dont sleep for almost 24h because of it.I barely finished this Slice,but now,when i submit the data,i get only the automatically set id.. So,to be clear.I have a skill component where i have 2 input forms and a button,i need to retrieve data from both inputs,and then,when they are
