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Tag: state

React Class Component setState undefined

I am attempting to update a variable from “” to a string of text with an onClick method in React. I’ve approached this several different ways following examples on the web and Youtube but all are resulting in various error messages. This is the latest attempt and I’m receiving an error message that it cannot set properties of undefined setting

Toggle Button function doesn’t maintain current State

I have two functions displayDataGraph and displayDataTable that displays data as a table and graph. I have a button that toggles between graph and table display.The graph is the default view and the switch to the table view happens with the toggle button. Each page has a previous and next button that takes user to next 20 set of data

React state does not update accordingly when popping an array

I wrote a simple component in React which is supposed to remove the last element of an array when a button is clicked, but despite console logging the correct value, my React state is not being updated accordingly (when viewing the components with React Developer Tools) and hence the output is not changing. I’m at a loss as to why

React – setting value for all array of objects

I’m creating a simple tracker that has a state checking if the button is either false (not checked) or true (checked). The structure of my data is something like this: I tried creating a function that resets all of the check values back to false. The user can delete a character or add more so I need to reset all
