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Tag: reactjs

HTMLImageElement not valid as a React Child

I’m trying to load an image asynchronously and only when it’s been loaded, display it in a React app. I’m getting below error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: [object HTMLImageElement]) I would like to know why this error is happening. Of course if I just add an <img> tag, it works fine. Answer React cannot directly

Can I choose which AntD icon to use with allowClear = true?

If I pass allowClear={true} to an AntD Input component, a small circle with an × appears at the end of the field once a user has typed something, which can be clicked to empty the contents of the field. Is there some way to instruct AntD to use a different icon? The AntD docs for reference: Input with Clear Icon

Is there a way to use the condition of a ternary to be the value?

I run into a lot of cases where I would like to use the condition of a ternary as the actual value of its output. Is there a way to do this without having to say the condition again? For example: var thing = veryCoolThingExistsButItsNameIsVeryLong ? veryCoolThingExistsButItsNameIsVeryLong : otherThing; What I want is something that looks more like this: var

Applying CSS by Component’s displayName?

Calling all experts! I am trying to add a class to disable all element’s descendants to be read only, the style is fine, but it doesn’t applied to all descendants nor any: The element is a component that I want to have the above style by displayName as div id, like so: The output HTML: The final result should show

‘history’, no-restricted-globals, and window.history

So I was running into an issue with React where if I tried to use ‘history’, my code wouldn’t run telling me it’s an ‘unexpected use of history no-restricted-global’. I turned to StackOverflow in order to get help and surprisingly, I was able to find an answer to the issue that I was dealing with. The fix that another use
