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Tag: reactjs

React state not retuning the latest value of state

The value of this.state.topText and this.state.bottomText is always one change behind. E.g if I type 1234 in topText’s input box, the value of this.state.topText would be 123. The react docs say to fix asynchronous updates we should use the form of setState() that accepts a function rather than an object. I have done that and the value of setState is

How to mock/spy useState hook in jest?

I am trying to spy on useState React hook but i always get the test failed This is my React component: counter.test.js: Unfortunately this doesn’t work and i get the test failed with that message: Answer You need to use React.useState instead of the single import useState. I think is about how the code gets transpiled, as you can see

React Material-Ui Sticky Table Header with Dynamic Height

I am using the Material-UI framework for React to display a table. I would like to use a sticky header; however, I do not want to set a height on my table, as I’d like it to scroll with the page. The following snippet does not stick the header unless I set a height on the TableContainer. Answer Get

Error: Cannot find module – webpack-dev-server.js

I am building a react app from scratch. Usually, I am running the npm create-react-app and it generates everything for you. I am following this tutorial and it has the GitHub repository in the description. The problem is – when i run “npm start” it should run this command which is written here in the package.json The command works
