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Tag: reactjs

Set autocomplete off for Formik field

To set the autocomplete off for a simple input it must be done like this: <input type=”text” autocomplete=”off”> In this case, there is a Formik Field and the input looks like this: and it seems that adding autocomplte=”off” doesn’t work in this case: Any ideas? Answer I am not sure where you are doing wrong. You can simply do this:

ReactJS error when passing a function as a props

Recently I started to learn ReactJS with help of tutorials and I’ve run into an error I can’t find solution for by myself. One of the first projects I decided to do is To-do list and when trying to pass “handleChange” function as a prop to my component I get this error TypeError: Cannot read property ‘handleChange’ of undefined. Here

Are there any benefits to defining functions within React components?

I brought the code below for easy understanding. Note the location of the a function. There are declarative differences depending on where the a function is in React. Both are code that works correctly. Are there any benefits of defining them within React components? This is a shortened code that makes it easy to understand the intent of the question.

First zoom glitches after page load using D3

I’m using D3 to zoom onto an image on click and on Mousewheel. Everything is working fine but the first zoom glitches a lot. Here is the demo of the app. This is how I’m zooming towards the objects: This zoom doesn’t seem to be working here. But it does definitely work in the app. I’ve not modified the piece
